Made in the USA

These are American Made flags by American Manufacturers. Beautiful Nylon with Header and Grommets for Indoor/Outdoor use.

With a history that stems from those gone missing in Vietnam, the POW-MIA flag has come to serve as a reminder of soldiers from all wars who have become prisoners of war or listed as missing in action. We offer the POW-MIA flag in a single or double-sided variety and four sizes. The durable yet lightweight nylon POW-MIA flag dries quickly, flies in the lightest breeze yet stands up to the weather and the test of time, serving as a constant reminder of all those who will never be forgotten.

A Small Locally Owned business specializing in American Made Flags and Flagpoles in Prescott, Arizona. Locally owned and operated for over 25 years! Prescott Flags serving Yavapai and mailing to all states for decades. Not your internet popup with no brick and mortar.

Check out our sister store in Mesa, Air-A-Zona Flag Company. Conveniently located one block west of 101 on Broadway in Mesa. Arizona owned for over 35 years.

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